The University of the West Indies
Distance Education Centre

Stewart Marshall: Publications

Books (8):

Marshall, S., Brandon, E., Thomas, M., Kanwar, A. and Lyngra, T (eds.) (2006). External providers of tertiary education in the English-speaking Caribbean. Commmonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada. (Forthcoming).

Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Yu, X. (eds.) (2005). Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and Communication Technology. Idea Group Reference, London. ISBN: 1591405750.

Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Yu, X. (eds.) (2004). Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions. Idea Group Publishing, London. ISBN: 1591401321.

Marshall, S. & Taylor, W. (eds.) (2003). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IT in Regional Areas (ITiRA). Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton, Australia. ISBN: 1876674679. Available at:

Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Yu, X. (eds.) (2003). Closing the Digital Divide: Transforming Regional Economies and Communities with Information Technology. Greenwood Publishing, Westport CT, USA. ISBN: 1567206026.

Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Macpherson, C. (eds.) (2002). Proceedings of IT in Regional Areas Conference 2002 - Using IT: Make IT happen. Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton, Australia. ISBN: 186674423. Available online at:

Marshall, S., Taylor, W., & Yu, X. (eds.) (2001). Proceedings of IT in Regional Areas Conference: Using informatics to transform regions. Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton, Australia. ISBN: 187667427.

Marshall, S. & Williams, N. (1986). Exercises in Teaching Communication. Kogan Page, London. ASIN: 1850910553.


Theses (2):

Marshall, S. (2004). Exploring Change: The creation of a hypermedia ethnography for the presentation and 're-presentation' of research on distance education in Swaziland. PhD Thesis, Central Queensland University, Australia.

Marshall, S. (1973). Fregean Categorial Grammar and the Logical Syntax of Natural Language. M.Phil Thesis. University of Leeds, UK.


Chapters in books (9):

Marshall, S., & Gregor, S. (2005). Transforming universities in the online world. In C. Howard, J.V. Boettcher, L. Justice, K. Schenk, P.L. Rogers and G.A. Berg (eds) Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, USA, 1892-1897.

Taylor, W., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2005) "Using ICT to Enable Emancipatory Learning". In C. Howard, J.V. Boettcher, L. Justice, K. Schenk, P.L. Rogers and G.A. Berg (eds) Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, USA, 1952-1957.

Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2004) " Community Informatics Systems: A meeting place for useful research". In P. Day & D. Schuler (eds) Community Practice in the Network Society . Routledge, London, 200-212.

Taylor, W., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2003) "Community Informatics - Enabling Emancipatory Learning". In T. McGill (ed) Current Issues in IT Education. IRM Press, Hershey, PA, USA, 367-375.

Marshall, S., & Gregor, S. (2002). Distance education in the online world: Implications for higher education. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Web-based instructional learning. IRM Press, Hershey, PA, USA, 110-124.

Marshall, S. & Gregor, S. (2002) "Distance education in the online world: implications for higher education". In C. Howard, R. Discenza & K.D. Schenk (eds.) The Design and Management of Effective Distance Learning Programs. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA, 21-36.

Hanley, N. & Marshall, S. (2000) "Lions and Merlions: Critical reflections on the introduction of new technologies in higher education in Swaziland and Singapore". In T. Evans & D. Nation (eds.) Changing University Teaching: reflections on creating educational technologies. Kogan Page, London, 109-120.

Marshall, S. (1988) "Simulations for learning about communication" chapter 15 in D. Crookall & D. Saunders (eds.) Communication and Simulation: from two fields to one theme. Multilingual Matters. 191-200.

Marshall, S. (1981) "An integrated case study approach to teaching communication skills" in B. Hollinshead & M. Yorke (eds.) Perspectives on Academic Gaming and Simulation 6. Kogan Page, London, 167-175.


Refereed journal articles (31):

Marshall, S. and Taylor, W. (2005). Facilitating the use of ICT for community development through collaborative partnerships between universities, governments and communities". International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2005, 1:I, 5-12.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2004) "Adoption of online purchasing in communities, and its scio-economic implications in regional Central Queensland, Australia". Australasian Journal of Information Systems 11 (2). 80-94. ISSN 1039-7841.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2003) "Home Internet adoption – An analysis of factors affecting non adoption in Central Queensland, Australia". IADIS International Journal of WWW/Internet. 1:2, 76-90.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2003). "Socio-economic factors affecting home internet usage patterns in Central Queensland". Informing Science, Vol. 6, 233-246.

Gregor, S., Wassenaar, A. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Developing a virtual organization: Serendipity or strategy?" Asian Academy of Management. 7:1, 1-19.

Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Collaboration: the Key to Establishing Community Networks in Regional Australia". Informing Science. 5:3, 155-162.

Marshall, S. & Gilmour, M. (1992) "Lexical knowledge and reading comprehension in Papua New Guinea". English for Specific Purposes. 11:3.

Marshall, S., Gilmour, M. & Lewis, D. (1992) "Lexical Knowledge and Mathematics Education in Science and Technology in Papua New Guinea". International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 23:2, 211-218.

Marshall, S. (1991) "A genre-based approach to the teaching of report-writing". English for Specific Purposes. 10:1, 3-13.

Marshall, S. (1991) "Computer Analysis and Feedback for Group Problem-solving Exercises". Simulation/Games for Learning. 21:3, 242-249.

Marshall, S. (1991) "Traditional and Modern Engineering in Papua New Guinea: a model for making the transition". AEESEAP Journal of Engineering Education. 21:1, 5-9.

Marshall, S., Gilmour, M. & Lewis, D. (1991) "Words that matter in science and technology: a study of Papua New Guinean students' comprehension of non-technical words used in science and technology". Research in Science and Technological Education. 9:1, 5-14.

Marshall, S. & Pemberton, R. (1991) "Problem-solving for Secretaries". Simulation/Games for Learning. 21:1, 31-42.

Marshall, S. & Gilmour, M. (1990) "Students' comprehension of non-technical words used in science". TESLA. 2.

Marshall, S. & Gilmour, M. (1990) "Problematical Words and Concepts in Physics Education: a study of Papua New Guinean students' comprehension of non-technical words used in physics". Physics Education. 25:4.

Marshall, S. & Gilmour, M. (1989) "Developing problem solving thinking in physics education - experience from Papua New Guinea". Physics Education. 24:2, 22-25.

Marshall, S. (1988) "A bridge between cultures: solving problems in engineering education in Papua New Guinea". International Journal of Applied Engineering Education. 4:2, 141-144.

Marshall, S. (1988) "Problem-solving and product development in engineering education". European Journal of Engineering Education. 13:3, 331-339.

Marshall, S., Gilmour, M. & Bailey, J. (1988) "Adapting games and simulations for different cultures and different educational aims". Simulation/Games for Learning. 18:3, 188-196.

Marshall, S. (1987) "EVAL: an expert system for evaluating written reports". International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education. 24, 23-31.

Marshall, S. (1987) "The education of professional engineers in Papua New Guinea". Journal of Engineering Education in Southeast Asia. 17:2, 38-43.

Marshall, S. & Barron, C. (1987) "MARC: methodological assessment of reports by computer". System. 15:2, 161-167.

Marshall, S. (1986) "The intelligent assistant: the role of artificial intelligence in teaching". Higher Education Research and Development. 5:2, 201-211.

Marshall, S. (1985) "Computer assisted feedback on written reports". Computers and Education. 9:4, 213-219.

Marshall, S. (1983) "Computer aided instruction in linguistic analysis". Computers and Education. 7, 25-31.

Marshall, S. (1982b) "Relevance and motivation in communication studies courses for engineering students". European Journal of Engineering Education. 7, 201-209.

Marshall, S. & Blanchard, B. (1982) "A video project on an engineering course?" International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 10:3, 169-176.

Marshall, S., Ellington, H., Addinall, E. & Percival, F. (1982) "Developing communication skills using simulation/gaming techniques". Simulation/Games for Learning. 12:2, 61-69.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Communication studies: an alternative programme". International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education. 18:4, 293-300.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Communication studies and the extended power station game". Physics Education. 16, 347-351.

Blanchard, B. & Marshall, S. (1980) "A case study in industrial and communication skills". International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 8:3, 133-138.


Invited keynotes and refereed conference papers (35):

Marshall, S. (2005). "Financing tertiary education: Distance education mechanisms for income diversification". Symposium on Financing Tertiary Education in the Anglophone Caribbean. Hosted by The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) at UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, 21‑22 November.$File/Marshall.pdf

Marshall, S. (2005). "Bringing tertiary and university education to Caribbean island communities: A collaborative development role for community informatics". Invited paper presented at CIRN 2005 Conference: Building partnerships for the Information Society (, Cape Town, South Africa, 24-26 August.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. & Marshall, S. (2003) "Adoption of online purchasing in regional communities in Central Queensland, Australia". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IT in Regional Areas (ITiRA) 2003. Caloundra, Queensland, Australia, 15-17 December. Available at:

Zhu, G., Taylor, W., Marshall, S. & Dekkers, J. (2003) "Why don't these people connect to the internet at home? Analysing the internal barriers causing digital divide in Central Queensland, Australia". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IT in Regional Areas (ITiRA) 2003. Caloundra, Queensland, Australia, 15-17 December. Available at:

Marshall, S., Dekkers, J. and Taylor, W. (2003) "Collaboration in the Digital Era: The vanishing distinction between the on-campus and off-campus student, and the emergence of the 'glocal student'". 17th AAOU Annual Conference: Networking and Partnership for Strengthening Collaboration in Open and Distance Education. Thailand, November.

Marshall, S. (2003) "Values and Visions: Developing a virtual organization for international education". Keynote Address for the ISANA 14th International Education Association Annual Conference. Hosted by Central Queensland University at Capricorn Resort, Queensland, Australia, 8-10 October.

Marshall, S. (2003) "Virtualization and sustainable development: Universities and their communities in the knowledge society". Invited Plenary Paper for The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA'03). Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-18 July.

Taylor, W. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Community Informatics Systems: A construct for addressing the digital divide". Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA'03). Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-18 July.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Addressing home adoption of ICT in the age of globalisation in communities in Central Queensland". 36th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology: Social change in the age of globalisation. Beijing, China, 7-11 July.

Taylor, W. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Establishing a Community Informatics approach in a regional setting". 2nd Biennial Insideout Conference - Charting Uncertainty: Capital, Community, and Citizenship. University of Queensland, Ipswich Campus, 3-5 July.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Factors affecting home Internet use in Central Queensland". Proceedings of the Informing Science and IT Education (InSITE) Conference. Pori, Finland, 24-27 June.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Socio economic factors affecting home Internet usage patterns in Central Queensland". Proceedings of the Informing Science and IT Education (InSITE) Conference. Pori, Finland, 24-27 June. Winner of Best Paper Award.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers J. and Marshall S. (2003) "Changing use of Internet technologies from homes in Central Queensland – 1999 – 2002". 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society, Naples, Italy, June 16-21.

Taylor, W. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Developing a digital community in Central Queensland, Australia". Digital Communities 2003: Organising in a Networked World. Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers J. and Marshall S. (2003) "Development of e-commerce in regional communities in CQ, Australia". 16th Bled eCommerce Conference: eTransformation, Bled, Slovenia, June 9 – 11.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers J. and Marshall S. (2003) "Demographic and socio economic factors affecting home Internet usage patterns in Central Queensland". Fourth Annual Global Information Technology Management (GITM) World Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 8-10.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. and Marshall, S. (2003) "Factors affecting the home adoption of ICT by non-adopters in Central Queensland, Australia". Proceedings of IADIS International e-Society 2003 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-6.

Taylor, W., Zhu, G., Dekkers, J. and Marshall, S. (2003). Changing use of Internet technologies from homes in Central Queensland – 1999 – 2002. Proceedings E-Nation Symposium, University of Technology Sydney 23-24 April.

Day, P., Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Community network analysis – bridging practice, research and policy in the network society". Community Informatics/ Community Networking Research Mini-Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 9.

Taylor, W., Day, P. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Towards a Framework for Community Informatics Practice and Research". In M.Gurstein and S. Finqueleivich (Eds) Proceedings Community Informatics Conference. Global Communities Networking Congress. Montreal, Canada. 8-11 October.

Marshall, S., Dekkers, J. & Taylor, W. (2002) "Partnerships across boundaries: A 'glocal' model for higher education in a borderless world". EDU-COM 2002 - Higher Education without Borders: Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Thailand, November.

Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Collaboration: the Key to Establishing Community Networks in Regional Australia". Proceedings of the Informing Science + IT Education Conference.

Taylor, W., Dekkers, J., Marshall, S. & Lloyd, S. (2002) "Attitude and Behaviour of seniors to adoption of Internet technologies for learning and social capital in Central Queensland". Proceedings of the 2nd International Life Long Learning Conference 2002: Building Learning Communities through Education. Rockhampton, Australia: Central Queensland University Press.

Gregor, S., Wassenaar, A. & Marshall, S. (2002) "Developing a virtual organization: Serendipity or strategy?" Winner of the "Best Paper" award at the Asian Academy of Management (AAM) Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, November.

Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2001) "The challenge of collaboration for establishing community networks in regional Australia". Second World Congress of Citizens Networks: Global CN 2001. Buenos Aires, 5-7 December.

Marshall, S. (2001) "Faculty level strategies in response to globalisation". Invited keynote at the conference Globalisation and Tertiary Education: Impacts, Responses and Implications for the 21st Century, organized by the Australasian Association for Institutional Research (AAIR), Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, 3-5 September.

Gregor, S. & Marshall, S. (1999) The online world: Implications for structure and process in industry. Invited keynote for the conference E-Agenda: Building the E-Commerce Business Case organised by the National Office for the Information Economy (NOIE), Melbourne, 17-18 November.

Hanley, N. & Marshall, S. (1995) "Public service programming in Australia: background, present status and future prospects". Invited paper for the Conference on the Impact of the Changing Media Environment on Public Service Programming in Asia. Seoul, Korea, September.

Goeman, R., Hanley, N. & Marshall, S. (1995) "Investigating satellite broadcasting: thinking and measuring social and cultural impacts". Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference. Perth, July.

Marshall, S. (1994) "The social and cultural impact of transnational television broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region". Invited keynote for a Conference on The Impact of Television in the Asia-Pacific Region. Jakarta, December.

Mase, M. & Marshall, S. (1994) "Language choice and social networks". Seventh International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Leiden, August.

Marshall, S. (1989) "Understanding and misunderstanding in science: students' comprehension of non-technical words used in science". HERDSA Fifteenth Annual Conference. Adelaide, July.

Marshall, S. (1987) "Computer assisted feedback on structured assignments". HERDSA Thirteenth Annual Conference. Perth, Australia, August.

Marshall, S. & Walsh, R. (1987) "Teacher training for tertiary teachers in Papua New Guinea". HERDSA Thirteenth Annual Conference. Singapore, August.

Marshall, S. (1980) "Games in communication studies". SAGSET Conference. Manchester Polytechnic, England. September.


Non-refereed articles & reviews (12):

Marshall, S. (2006). "Emancipatory learning: Integrating information and communication technology for quality education". The UWI Quality Education Forum. No 12, January, 31-41.

Marshall, S. (2005). "Going the distance online". UWI Today. Publication of the Office of the Principal, St. Augustine Campus, The University of the West Indies. June 12.

Marshall, S. (2004) "Who needs sleep in paradise?" ODLAA Times . Vol. 12, No. 2, May. ISSN 13207954.

Marshall, S. (2004) "ICT challenges and opportunities for community development in the Caribbean". Caricom Perspective , No. 72, Vol 1, 15-17, ISSN 0254-962X.

Marshall, S. (2004). "Going the distance online: Stories of emergent virtualization". Caribbean Waves . UWIDEC, West Indies.

Magagula, C., Odumbe, J.O. & Marshall, S. (2000) "Collaboration in the Provision of Family Health Education in Swaziland", Development Bulletin. 52, 88-91.

Marshall, S. (1995) "The social and cultural impact of satellite broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region". Asian Mass Communication Bulletin. 25:1, 12-13,17.

Mase, M. & Marshall, S. (1995) "Language choice and social networks in Hanuabada, Papua New Guinea". Khoa Hoc: Annals of Hochiminh City University. 2, 113-141.

Marshall, S. (1988) "Teaching electrical and communication engineering in Papua New Guinea". Electrical and Electronics Incorporated Engineer. No. 218, May.

Marshall, S. (1985) "Help your micro understand you". Acorn User. April.

Marshall, S. & Hartley, P. (1985) "Using games and simulations in communication studies". Communication Studies Network Newsletter. 1, 23-29.

Marshall, S. (1982) "Games and simulations in science education". Book review in Simulation/Games for Learning. 12:1, 38-39.


Non-refereed conference papers and presentations (30):

Marshall, S. (2006). “E-learning: Rationalization and convergence”. All Hands IT Meeting. The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, July 6-7.

Marshall, S. (2005) "Developments and the future of The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre in support of the aims of the CKLN". Feature address presented at the New Approaches to Learning Workshop, Sammuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic, Barbados, Monday, October 24.

Marshall, S. (2005). "The social appropriation of ICT for the development of remote, rural and marginalized communities". UNESCO ICT Regional Workshop: ICTs for sustainable development of remote, rural and marginalized communities of the Caribbean, Suriname, 11-14 October.

Marshall, S. (2005) "A Global Overview of Distance Education and its Tendencies: The experience of the University of the West Indies". Paper presented at the Global Development Learning Network Conference, Lima, Peru, 4-6 July.

Marshall, S. (2005). "Emancipatory learning: Integrating ICT to achieve quality education for the 21st century". Paper presented at the Quality Enhancement Conference: Quality enhancement: Innovation and change. St Augustine Campus, The University of the West Indies, 8-9 June.

Marshall, S. (2005). "Setting the Distance Education Agenda in Resource Challenged Environments". Paper presented at the CAREC Distance and Continuing Education Partners & Stakeholders Meeting: A Distance Education Advisory Sub-Committee Initiative. Kapok Hotel, Trinidad & Tobago, 21-23 March.

Marshall, S. (2004) "Quality assurance, articulation and accreditation in tertiary education in the Caribbean". The Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE) Inaugural Conference - "Assuring the Quality of Tertiary Education to Meet Global Challenges and Requirements". Jamaica, 2-4 November.

Marshall, S. (2004) "Connected Caribbean communities: ICT for development and disaster management" presentation at the Caribbean Development Bank Retreat, Barbados, 28 September 2004.

Marshall, S. (2004). "Getting on with IT: Lawyers online". A presentation to the Faculty of Law Staff Seminar , University of the West Indies, June 7.

Marshall, S. (2003) "The challenges and opportunities created by advances in information and communication technology in higher education in a globally competitive environment, with special reference to The University of West Indies Distance Education Centre". Paper presented to a Staff Seminar at The University of West Indies, October 22.

Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2003). "Information communication technology: the challenge for society in regional areas". Electronic Commerce Seminar Series. School of Business and Information Management, ANU, sponsored by the National Institute of Economics and Business.

Marshall, S. (2001) "Using NUD*IST VIVO and hypermedia in the analysis, presentation and representation of research on distance education in Swaziland, Southern Africa". Higher Education Close Up2: An international qualitative research conference. Lancaster University, UK, 16-18 July. Published at:

Romm, C., Taylor, W. & Marshall, S. (2000) "A strategic perspective on the development of community informatics: The ARI model". BITWORLD 2000. Sante Fe, Mexico, 1-3 June.

Marshall, S. (2000) "Critical reflections on the introduction of distance education in a small country in Africa". Proceedings of the Conference on Distance Education in Small States. Jamaica: Distance Education Centre, The University of West Indies. 67-73.

Marshall, S. & Gregor, S. (2000) "Organizational change and networked learning: A structurational model", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Networked Learning. Held at Lancaster, UK, 17-19 April. UK: Lancaster University & University of Sheffield.

Gregor, S. & Marshall, S. (2000) "The Online World: Implications for Structure and Process in Industry". Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC2000). Seoul, Korea, 21-14 August.

Mase, M. & Marshall, S. (1996) "Language choice, social networks and life modes". Eleventh World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Held in Jyvaskyla, Finland, August.

Marshall, S. & Hanley, N. (1996) "Thinking People: Information, Technology, Learning". Asian Communications: The Next 25 Years. Held in Singapore, 1-3 June.

Marshall, S., Gilmour, M. & Lewis, D. (1989) "Words that matter in chemistry". Proceedings of the PNG Institute of Chemistry 5th Congress. Lae, Papua New Guinea: The Papua New Guinea Institute of Technology.

Marshall, S. (1985) "Computers and communication". Invited paper for a Staff Seminar. The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua New Guinea, February.

Marshall, S. (1984) "Teaching computers to teach". Invited paper for a Staff Seminar. Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education, Toowoomba, Australia, March.

Marshall, S. (1983) "Computer aided instruction: principles and practices". Two invited papers in a series of Seminars on Information Technology. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. January.

Marshall, S. (1982) "Computers for communication skills". Conference on Language and Communication Skills Instruction. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. April.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Games, simulations and computers in communication studies". Conference on Language and Communication Skills Instruction. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. April.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Extended power for Elaskay". Invited paper and video presentation for a Staff Seminar at Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, Aberdeen, Scotland. March.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Computer aided instruction using STAF". Invited paper for Network of Programmed Learning Centres. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. December.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Games and simulations in communication studies in schools". Conference on Communication and Media Studies in Schools. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. May.

Marshall, S. (1981) "Using video for communication skills". Conference on Television in Higher Education. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. December.

Marshall, S. (1980) "The power station game". Conference on Language and Communication Skills Instruction. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. April.

Marshall, S. (1979) "Towards a categorisation of communication studies". Invited paper for the Conference for Teachers of A-Level Communication Studies. Sheffield City Polytechnic, England. May.


Projects, consultancy and commissioned research (9):

Marshall, S. (Project Director). (2005-6). Research study of external providers of tertiary education in the Anglophone Caribbean - research contract funded by Commonwealth of Learning (CAD$15,000) and UNESCO (US$5000), the results of which will be published by COL in November 2006;

Marshall, S. (Project Director). (2005-6). Provide training for staff in State-owned tertiary institutions in nine Anglophone Caribbean countries for the conversion of Tertiary Education Institutions' courses to online format  - CKLN consultancy (US$19,000).

Marshall, S. (Project Director). (2005). Conversion  of "Certificate in Local e-Governance" for delivery online in the Caribbean - UNESCO consultancy (US$32,000).

Marshall, S. (Project Director). (2004-6). Caribbean Universities Project for Integrated Distance Education (CUPIDE) – a UNESCO-UWI project for the Enhancement of Human Resource Development in Distance Teaching, Administration and Materials Distribution, funded through the Japanese Funds in Trust for Capacity Building (Japanese funding = US$1,118,426; counterpart funding = US$1,005,000).

Marshall, S. (Project Director). (2004-5). Building the capacity of the UWI to extend the utility of 'Just in time learning' technology and implement 'CD-assisted distance learning environments' funded (US$119,426) by the Organisation of American States (OAS).
Marshall, S., Taylor, W., Schauder, D. and Johanson, G. (2003). Roundtable on Civil Society (RACS): National consultation towards WSIS 2003, Geneva. AUS$60,000 awarded by Department of Communication, Information and Transport Australia (DCITA)

Magagula, C., Odumbe, J.O. & Marshall, S. (1997) A report on collaboration between Government organisations and NGO's in Swaziland in the area of family health education.

Marshall, S. (1989) A report on communication between Managers and subordinates at Ramu Sugar. Consultancy Report. Lae, Papua New Guinea: Ramu Sugar.

Marshall, S. & Fielding, G. (1984) Improving communication at British Steel Corporation and its role in the achievement of greater energy savings. Consultancy Report. Sheffield, England: British Steel Corporation.


Other media:

Moon, S., D'Antoni, S. and Marshall, S. (2006). "Multilateral Learning Online: Can It Solve the Education Crisis in Developing Countries?" Roundtable. Development Gateway.

Marshall, S. (1985) "Computers and alternative technology 2". Programme for the radio feature Things to Come. 4 DDB-FM, Toowoomba, Australia, July.

Marshall, S. (1984) "Computers and alternative technology 1". Programme for the radio feature Things to Come. 4 DDB-FM, Toowoomba, Australia, April.



IMCON: written in STAF (Science Teachers' Authoring Facility); to teach the skills of linguistic analysis to degree students (see Marshall, 1983).

STORY: written in BBC BASIC; designed to assist Grade 6-8 children to write stories.

REPORT: written in BBC BASIC; produces written feedback on students' reports (see Marshall, 1985).

CAGPS: written in BBC BASIC; analyses group problem solving.

BRIDGE: written in Microsoft BASIC; produces written feedback on students' engineering assignments (see Marshall, 1986).

EVAL: modified version of BRIDGE (see Marshall, 1987).

MARC: modification of BRIDGE (Marshall & Barron, 1987).

CAMSP: written in Microsoft BASIC; analyses group problem solving (Marshall, 1991).



Current Websites:

I am the Webmaster for the following websites:

Stewart Marshall's Personal Website

The International Journal of Education and Development using ICT (IJEDICT) – a refereed e-journal that provides free and open access to all of its content.

Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF4) – website for the 2006 Forum to be held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

Virtual University of the Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) – a website incorporating a shared workspace (using open source ACollab software) for the various regional and interest groups that were formed at the Commonwealth of Learning Workshop held in Singapore, 11-17 September, 2005.

Website of the Caribbean Association for Distance and Open Learning (CARADOL) – website for a Caribbean Regional Association for Professionals in Distance and Open Learning.

Caribbean Universities Project for Integrated Distance Education (CUPIDE) – website for the UNESCO-UWI project for the Enhancement of Human Resource Development in Distance Teaching, Administration and Materials Distribution, funded through the Japanese Funds in Trust for Capacity Building.

External Tertiary Education Providers in the Anglophone Caribbean - private website for a proposed book on External Tertiary Education Providers in the Anglophone Caribbean, which is a joint project by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC) and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

e-Governance in the Caribbean – a promotional website about the Specialized Course on Local e-Governance in the Caribbean - a joint initiative by The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC) and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Previous Websites (published during the period 1998-2000):

Institute of Distance Education - a website about the Institute of Distance Education in Swaziland. Original url: Now also at:

BOLESWA'97 - a website of the proceedings of the Seventh BOLESWA Symposium on "Educational Research and Quality of Life in Africa" held at the University of Swaziland in August 1997. Original url: Now also at:

Distance Education in Developing Countries - a personal website designed to facilitate the collection and dissemination of research results and information on the use of distance education and open learning in developing countries. Url:

Distance learning & developing countries discussion list. The list had over 700 members from countries all over the world, from Argentina to Zimbabwe, but in 2005 it was merged with the ICT4dev list
Original DLDC homepage at:


The UWI Distance Education Centre,
Cave Hill Campus, P.O. Box 64, Bridgetown,
Barbados, W.I. © 2005
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